News from Keys Treasures — Key West

Visitors at the Dock...Manatees!

conch republic florida keys key west manatees marathon marine mammals

Visitors at the Dock...Manatees!

          This lovely family of manatees greeted us at the dock upon our return from a recent fishing trip.  We love manatees!      While we were hosing off the gear, a snout peeked up at us, trying its best to get a quick drink.  We immediately stopped spraying fresh water and watched the little trio for about ten minutes.      Feeding, touching, and watering manatees is forbidden by law and we do not do any of those things because we respect both the law and the manatees.  The slow-cruising creatures are in danger of...

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What the heck is a Conch?

Conch Conchs florida keys Key West

What the heck is a Conch?

     If you visit the Florida Keys, chances are, you'll hear the word, "conch".  Phonetically speaking, you'll hear konk, and you may wonder just what a conch is.  If your first encounter with the word happens to be reading it in print, you may have mispronounced it and tipped off anyone within earshot that you are definitely not local.  That is, if your clothing, accent, sunburn, or something else didn't tip them off first.  But  I digress....      A conch can be referring to one of two things, the gastropod found in the ocean or the people found...

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Our Latest Treasure Pulled from Keys Waters

bottles coca-cola diving florida keys key west snorkeling

Our Latest Treasure Pulled from Keys Waters

          No fish today, but we didn't come home empty-handed...      When we were younger here at The Keys Store, we would hit the water and come home with treasures all the time.  Now that we're saltier, we spend more time in the shade but from time to time, it's nice to get back out there.  If you've never been diving in the Keys, consider putting it on your bucket list.       While it's rare to find Atocha silver, emeralds, and centuries-old treasures, it's not uncommon to pull out some vintage pieces like these...

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Key West History and Rumors...Bum Farto

Bum Farto El Jefe Key West Keys History Local Legends

Key West History and Rumors...Bum Farto

Farto would be over 100 years old today and it us unlikelier by the day that he will ever be seen alive again, but here in the Keys, we don't let legends die, and will continue to ask the world, "Where is Bum Farto?".

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