Visitors at the Dock...Manatees!

conch republic florida keys key west manatees marathon marine mammals

     manatees marine mammals

    This lovely family of manatees greeted us at the dock upon our return from a recent fishing trip.  We love manatees!

     While we were hosing off the gear, a snout peeked up at us, trying its best to get a quick drink.  We immediately stopped spraying fresh water and watched the little trio for about ten minutes.

     Feeding, touching, and watering manatees is forbidden by law and we do not do any of those things because we respect both the law and the manatees.  The slow-cruising creatures are in danger of boat strikes on a good day but when they've become accustomed to people and associate them with food and water, they lose their fear of boats and humans and begin to follow them.  This crew did just that.  They circled the boat, sniffed about with their snouts in the air, and used their mouths and flippers to try to pull the hose into the ocean (where part drooped off the dock) for an easy shot of fresh water.  

     If you look closely, you can see the old scars on the backs of the adults.  Most of the adults we've seen bare similar scars.  Fortunately, the baby hasn't been injured.  


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